Without Borders
European Forum
Brussels 17-19 May 2024
1er Forum européen des associations
"Engineers without Borders"
Le premier « Forum européen des Ingénieurs sans frontières » s'est tenu à Bruxelles du 17 au 19 mai 2024.
Cet événement a rassemblé des ingénieur·e·s solidaires provenant de 11 associations "Engineers Without Borders" (EWB) venant des quatre coins de l’Europe.
Pendant trois jours, les participant·e·s ont partagé leurs expériences et cherché à améliorer les collaborations et synergies entre leurs associations afin de stimuler leur impact positif sur les populations les plus vulnérables de notre planète.
Des milliers d’ingénieur·e·s, en Europe et dans le monde, mettent leurs compétences au service de ces défis globaux. La crise climatique représente la plus grande menace pour la vie que nous ayons jamais rencontrée, des millions de personnes n'ont toujours pas accès à une eau saine ou à des installations sanitaires décentes, à une alimentation nutritive, à un logement sûr et à une énergie à la fois fiable et décarbonée.
Aucune solution pérenne n’est possible sans une action résolue et solidaire des ingénieur·e·s à l'échelle internationale.
- Importance of learning from each other, added value of direct (face-to-face)networking
- ‘Very much the same but very much different’: diversity of our EWB organisations, sharing the same purpose and facing similar challenges,
- Each EWB is a source of inspiration other organizations (activities, internal processes, resources, etc.),
- Discovery of the role and activities of EWB-International.
- Learnings for development cooperation projects:
- Importance of community involvement,
- Working with strong and trustworthy local partners,
- Investment in capacity building of local partners,
- Cultural aspects, adaptability, intercultural awareness,
- Verification of project sustainability,
- Sharing experiences (on the ground) and networks would make sense
- Activities in Europe:
- Attractiveness of EWB UK project 'Engineering for People Design Challenge’ (real-life cases),
- Differentiated approach of ISF France, continuous activities for education in citizenship and solidarity.
- Funding and governance of our associations.
- Common challenges: funding, volunteers’ attraction & retention, members’ attraction & retention, gender balance.
- Common platform / common tools for knowledge sharing activities between European EWBS:
- Database of realized projects, best practices, practical guidance (“how to”),
- Codes of conduct of our associations,
- List of contact persons (per topic) within each EWB,
- Agenda: sharing information about courses and events (invitation of other European ewbs),
- Geographies: mapping of geographic overlaps where multiple ewbs work to enable sharing of contacts and local knowledge,
- Tool: shared Wiki, common discussion forum (chat), webpage, etc.
- “EWB as center of excellence”: each EWB identifies one or 2 specialities (engineering expertise) for which it becomes a ‘center of excellence’. National EWBs can raise questions to the center of excellence whenever needed (EWB-I maintains the database).
- National ewbs could agree on standards for safety on project sites (Personal Protection Equipement, procedure, etc)
- Common project between several ewbs with potential common funding (EU) on a clearly identified topic:
- Assessment of projects, their impacts and valorisation of results: generating education material from EWB projects and impacts,
- Common education & training activities for students (common resources),
- Regular European Forum financed by EU funds,
- Project in the South: holistic project with several ewbs for bigger impact (ex. Construction + mechanical + sanitation), running several projects in one region.
- Let’s start with small one-to-one collaborations: direct one-to-one exchanges. For example: John needs a brief for student and contact EWB-NL, Sven needs a structural engineer and asks EWB-CH, etc.
- Other ideas:
- Common workshop on ‘diversity and inclusion’: addressing our common challenges of gender, intergenerational diversity,
- Include European ewbs that could not attend the Brussels Forum in the follow-up activities (ex.: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc),
- Definitively organise a next Forum for keeping the collaboration.
- Organise a regular Zoom meeting: once a month, vote a topic, share projects, find opportunities to collaborate!
Bernard Mathieu
Président d'Ingénieurs sans Frontières Belgique
Hugo Schally
pour les négociations
internationales CE/DG ENV
Jean-Marc Faurès
Chef du pôle Eau, Ingénieurs sans Frontières Belgique
Pol Deturck
Président d' OVO - Ondernemers voor Ondernemers
Sandra Cunha
Coordinatrice pour la Guinée Bissau, TESE, Portugal
Sandra Cunha
Coordinatrice pour la Guinée Bissau, TESE, Portugal
Mehdi El Kamily &
Benjamin Gayon
Président et coordinateur général d'Ingénieurs
sans FrontièresFrance
Christian Charlier
Chef de Projet, Ingénieurs
sans Frontières Belgique